Basile Dubois

PhD Candidate | Toulouse School of Economics

Basile Dubois | PhD Candidate Toulouse School of Economics

Hello there, welcome to my personal page! I am a PhD Candidate from Toulouse School of Economics. I am on the 2024-2025 Finance and Economics Job Market. I’m looking forward to meeting you!

I exploit strucural models and demand systems to explore empirical economic questions in financial intermediation and corporate governance.

My Job Market Paper explores the interaction of Basel III regulation with large scale asset purchases, also known as Quantitative Easing, and its resulting consequences.

You can check out my research or have a look at my research statement for further information. You will find the code for a given project at the end of its related blog post in the research section.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question, comment or thought about my research. Discussing ideas is 90% of the fun of Academia!